Turkish lawyers and international consultants discussed curricula on human rights trainings for lawyers

Preparatory Working Group meeting was held in Ankara on 7 and 8 March under the Joint Project on Strengthening the Capacity of Bar Associations and Lawyers on European Human Rights Standards (SCOBAL Project).

International and national consultants together with representatives of the pilot bar associations and the UTBA discussed various questions related to the development of training curricula on human rights that will be introduced into the training process in the pilot bar associations. The working group was also attended by representatives of judiciary, prosecutors and NGOs.

The participants discussed the application of the on-line courses as an element of the trainings to be held under the SCOBAL Project. The on-line courses will be built on the basis of the functionality of the HELP platform (the European programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals).

Curricula for pre-service and in-service trainings were discussed in detail as well as the length of the trainings and their structure.


The participants supported a proposal to develop a special human rights training guide for bar association management. This guide will include practical recommendations on the organisation and holding of trainings and their assessment as well as useful forms and samples. The guide is regarded as a helpful instrument to ensure the sustainability of the human rights trainings developed under the Project.


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